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Sora no Otoshimono, Cover, HD, Serien Stream, ganze Folge

Sora no Otoshimono

(2009 - 2010)
Ab: 16

Tomoki Sakurai ist ein normaler Schüler, dessen Motto Friede die oberste Priorität hat.. In seinen Träumen taucht jedoch oft ein seltsames Mädchen auf, das ihn um Hilfe bittet, nur kann er sich sobald er aufwacht, nie an ihr Gesicht erinnern. Sein Leben wird um einiges komplizierter, als ein unidentifizierbares…mehr anzeigen

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Sora no Otoshimono

Einblick ins Reich der Phantasie Looking Through the Keyhole to the Field of Fantasy

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Tomoki seeks some alone time from the girls, first in the bathroom until he is washed out, and then in a closet where he is almost cooked and then washed out again. On a shopping trip with Sohara, Ikaros notices a bridal magazine and asks her about Tomoki's proposal. Later, Tomoki hides in his room and puts the final touches on his "summer project", a massive network of periscopes which allows him to peek at girls all over town. Astraea and Nymph each visit but Tomoki chases them out. Sohara visits as well, but instead of giving him a karate chop, she asks why he still peeps despite having beautiful Angeloids in his house, putting him deep in thought. After Sohara leaves, Tomoki loudly remarks how stupid Sohara was for not noticing his network. The girls get revenge by pretending to strip outside. When Tomoki peeps, the girls aim mirrors to blind him with sunlight. Tomoki retaliates by showing his "unit", shocking the girls. However, when Ikaros takes a look, Tomoki is making a kissing gesture, flushing Ikaros with emotion. She overheats, and decides to repair herself by erasing all memories of him. Meanwhile, Chaos, having interpreted love as inflicting pain on animals, emerges from the sea.

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